Easy application means lower costs
Lower maintenance means lower operating costs and more budget options
Superior quality and stronger load bearing roads
Increased road quality without increased cost
Stronger base layers also mean lower maintenance and fewer repairs
Superior flexural strength ensures longer economic road life
The process is easy to understand and shows results
Application training is available
Stabilization must be included in project specifications
Road Departments
The lifetime costs of a TerraZyme road are much lower than those of a conventionally built road. In fact, TerraZyme can lower a road’s overall construction cost by 10% to 25% vs. standard methods. This is due to the flexibility TerraZyme soil stabilizer provides to utilize lower cost materials and reduce materials purchase and hauling costs. A team using TerraZyme with standard road construction equipment can easily exceed an output of 3,000 square meters per day. Over a full project, this can have a significant impact on payroll costs. In recycling and stabilizing RAP (Recycled Asphalt Pavement) with an asphalt reclaimer, outputs can reach 50,000 square meters per day.
Secondly, soil stabilization with TerraZyme improves a road’s sub base. The result is superior structure, quality and a longer economic life than you can get with ordinary road construction techniques. Thus, maintenance costs are lower and the useful life of the road structure and riding surface are greatly extended.
Greater control over road quality
The construction of road infrastructure is often plagued by the need for compromises. The required layer thickness needed to build a lasting road structure is often not feasible because of budgetary constraints. TerraZyme soil stabilizer offers an opportunity to increase layer strengths and thickness with local soils and within the required cost of construction.
The quality of road structures built with TerraZyme can be far superior to those created with conventional methods even when using local materials that do not meet normal load building specifications. Where local soil are sub-standard, and even with stabilization can not meet design specifications, Nature Plus engineers can assist in soil blending options, which upon stabilization will achieve desired specifications.
Reduced maintenance responsibilities
TerraZyme increases the flexural strength of road base or sub-base layers to reduce movement from vehicle loading on surface pavements such as asphalt or concrete. The result is a significant reduction in maintenance needs in comparison to conventional road structures. Road Departments are documenting reductions on maintenance of over 75% on unsurfaced roads.
Increase in CBR% and Flexural strength
TerraZyme improves the load bearing capacity of soil. Roads constructed using TerraZyme design concepts often reach a CBR (California Bearing Ratio) value of 90% or more in the base or sub-base layer as compared to 50% or less in an untreated structure. This improvement in flexural strength ensures a longer economic life for flexible pavements placed on roads built with TerraZyme. The result is fewer potholes and ruts on unsurfaced roads and less cracking and surface loosening on roads with a surfaced coating.
Using TerraZyme does not require a significant amount of additional knowledge. Understanding this process is simple, and simple tools are available to measure its successful application. The quality of a road constructed with TerraZyme is generally measured by conducting field DCP tests. The results are calibrated to CBR percentages to determine the comparative improvement of stabilization.
Nature Plus offers a number of programs to train construction teams on TerraZyme’s application procedures. Engineers with a general knowledge of soil mechanics, and experienced construction equipment operators generally acquire the experience to work unsupervised with TerraZyme within two days. TerraZyme is easy to apply. It is safe to use on soil and safe for the people who apply it. Soil stabilizer usage needs to be written into road project specifications so that project bidding includes this option. TerraZyme stabilization options can be excluded from specification if some road officials, design engineers or road consultants are not aware of the technology.