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Increasing pressure on road engineers has opened the door for liquid enzyme soil stabilizers

The World Bank tested a number of soil stabilizer brands and found that TerraZyme was a performance leader

In a USAID test in Honduras, TerraZyme was the only soil stabilizer chosen for extensive use

The test looked at five key criteria and TerraZyme was chosen over all other commercial soil stabilizer brands

In the end, TerraZyme was used to stabilize nearly 300 kms of roads

Typically, 25% of the Malaysian palm nut oil harvest must be left in the fields due to road washouts from monsoons

TerraZyme was chosen to stabilize Malaysia's extensive plantation roads, resulting in harvest increases and dramatic savings in road maintenance

RAP paving is gaining support because it greatly increases CBR loading, is cost efective and requires less gravel or pavement to maintain strength needs

A 4.5 km TerraZyme-stabilized RAP road saved $1 million for the Montana Bureau of Indian Affairs

TerraZyme Test Results

World Bank Study

The increasing challenge for road engineers to maintain road performance, work within limited budgets and meet the tightening of environmental regulations has opened the door for the introduction of highly cost-effective liquid enzyme soil stabilizers. The World Bank, with the implementation support of the Government of Paraguay, funded a definitive study of the effectiveness of new soil stabilization technology on secondary or rural roads and made the results available to the world road construction community.

This World Bank study, "Octavo Proyecto de Carreteras - Prestamo del Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento (BIRF) 3685-PA, showed that TerraZyme was a leading soil stabilizer, performing effectively in the stabilization of the clayey, sandy clay and salty sand soil types. Request a copy of the World Bank Study.


Further, in a USAID-funded project to rehabilitate roads devastated by Hurricane Mitch in Honduras, TerraZyme was the only soil stabilizer chosen for extensive usage. One objective of the project states: “Rebuilding Better – The USAID Honduras reconstruction program should do more than just replace what was lost; it should be an opportunity to transform the country into something better - the development of improved design specifications and use of new technologies in road rehabilitation”.

This objective required rebuilding critical roads with the best technology possible, within the government's budget constraints. To achieve this, a number of commercial soil stabilizers were evaluated as to:

• environmental safety

• evidence of extensive road stabilizer experience (500 plus Kms)

• verified technical support and applications consulting program

• cost effectiveness

• actual performance on 5 – 6 Kms of demonstration roads.


Of the products evaluated by USAID/RECAP, only TerraZyme Soil Stabilizer was chosen for extensive use on the nearly 300 kilometers of roads stabilized in the project. 

Request a copy of the USAID Study.


The largest contributor to the Gross National Product of Malaysia is palm nut oil, which is harvested from plantation-grown palm oil trees. Complicating the oil harvest is the monsoon season, which occurs each year at harvest time. Typically, approximately 25% of the harvest must be left in the fields due to road washouts.

FELDA, the national plantation authority, choose TerraZyme to stabilize the country's extensive plantation roads and make them less subject to washout during the monsoon season. Under the supervision of Nature Plus’s regional distributor for Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, stabilization proved a great success, with nearly 1,000 kms of roads receiving TerraZyme treatment. The results included a substantial increase in the percent of palm oil harvested and a dramatic savings in road maintenance. Further work has been completed by Mr. Teo in Thailand and Indonesia. Request a copy of the PORIM report.

Bureau of Indian Affairs – Montana, USA

Recycling of old asphalt (RAP) pavement is gaining wide support and practice in road building. Cold in-place recycling uses existing aggregate material, is highly cost-effective and solves the alternative environmental problem of disposal. Field and laboratory experience shows clearly that mixing and stabilizing RAP with soil increases the CBR loading by two to three times, thus providing a stronger base for subsequent surface coatings such as chip and seal and asphalt paving. Because they are so much stronger, RAP roads require less gravel or pavement to reach necessary strength requirements.

A 4.5 km RAP road reclaiming project for Montana's Bureau of Indian Affairs delivered, according to the Bureau's field director, an estimated $1 million savings from accelerated project completion and material and transportation costs. This was possible in part because the application costs of TerraZyme are generally much lower than a conventional lime or cement stabilization treatment. Liquid application is much simpler, product costs are lower and transportation costs due to TerraZyme's concentration are much lower as well.

Request a copy of the full report.

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