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TerraZyme Logo, Road Stabilization, Road Construction
TerraZyme, Road Stabilization, Road Construction
TerraZyme, Road Stabilization, Road Construction

TerraZyme is used in Eastern Europe to...

stabilize local soils for chip and seal surfacing...

and stabilize RAP in Romania

In Hungary, TerraZyme is used to stabilize village roads slated for asphalt paving...

...and to reduce road maintenance costs by strengthening structural layers under pavement

TerraZyme in Europe

Nature Plus has extensive experience working with the governments of several European countries. Applications have run the full spectrum of uses for which TerraZyme provides a significant benefit.


Project examples include:

Soil stabilization with "chip and seal" surface.

Romania: “As is” soil is mostly sandy-loam and clay amendments are needed. Consequently, it is necessary to create a suitable gradation for road stabilization. Using local clays, TerraZyme was used to stabilize four un-surfaced roads. Double “chip and seal” surfaces were then added.

Deteriorated Asphalt

Government funding for roads is primarily directed toward repair of deteriorated asphalt surfaces. Using a three meter wide reclaimer machine, plumbed to inject liquid stabilizer into the mixing box during recycling, TerraZyme application efficiency can be significantly increased over the grader-water truck-disk method.

Paving Village Roads

Hungary: Several programs to stabilize village roads are underway. These include blending gravelly clay with sandy river-basin materials to help convert poor unsurfaced roads into well-graded stabilized base layers. These roads will subsequently be paved with asphalt.

Strengthening structural layers under pavement

Hungary: A combination of proper engineering and use of TerraZyme has reduced road maintenance costs on roads constructed through UTRS Hungary Ltd. by strengthening the structural layers under pavements. Stabilizing local soils with TerraZyme and use of soil amendments has improved road base strength, stability and resistance to water penetration, while increasing road utility and extending the life of expensive surface wear layers.

TerraZyme is in use in a number of Central and Eastern European counties under the direction of our European Distributors. Request a project report.

Nature Plus, Inc. © 2024  55 Rachel Drive, Stratford, CT 06615  +1 (203) 380-0316 | Contact Us

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