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TerraZyme Logo, Road Stabilization
Road Construction

Over dozens of projects in the US and Canada, TerraZyme has...

...outlasted conventional road design solutions...

...stabilized hundreds of kilometers of road,...

...stood up to heavy winters and heavy traffic,...

...and increased road strength two to three times,...

...saving millions of dollars

In Canada, graveled roads on tribal lands had maintenance costs lowered by 65% over 5 years...

...and common problems such as potholes, ruts, and surface disintegration were greatly improved.

TerraZyme in the United States & Canada

Nature Plus has worked on dozens of road projects in the United States and Canada. Applications have run the full spectrum of uses for which TerraZyme provides a significant benefit.

United States

The oldest US TerraZyme-stabilized road is in Somerset County PA. A mile section of graveled road was stabilized in 1992. It had historical problems with potholes, corrugations and erosion. Two years after stabilization, the road surface was still in excellent condition and a double “chip and seal” was applied. Two years later, 3 inches of asphalt pavement was applied directly onto the stabilized and “chip and seal” section. An adjacent section of the same county road which was not stabilized with TereraZyme was also paved at the same time. After four years, the non-stabilized section shows heavy pavement deterioration while the pavement over the TereaZyme-stabilized section is still in excellent condition. Request a project report.


Other US project examples include:

Soil stabilization with "chip and seal" surface.

Stabilized 22 kilometers of a section the Pony Express road in Tooele County Utah, beginning at Rt. 36 and moving west. After stabilizing, a "chip and seal" wear surface was added. Request a project report.

Pothole and dust control

Stabilized 22 kilometers of the Benmore Road off Route 36 in Tooele County Utah. Road remained unsurfaced (soil only) for three winters, from 2001 to 2004. Request project information.

Heavily graveled, unsurfaced road

Stabilized 4.5 kilometers of Golf Club Road which was heavily graveled and unsurfaced. With 5 - 7 cm of excess loose gravel, the stabilization was conducted to a depth of 30 cm to properly incorporate and blend the materials. The result was a very hard, stabilized road bed. Spray-on application of MgCl2 provided total dust control. Request project information.

Recycling existing road materials

Used a recycler/reclaimer to recycle deteriorated asphalt pavement (RAP), cold, in-place, with soil on 5 kilometers of road on a Montana indian reservation. Tests show that stabilizing RAP with 30-50% soil provides a much stronger sub-base under new pavement. Achieved road strength increases of two to three times. Project manager estimated a savings of approximately $1 million in time, materials and transportation. Request a project report.


Graveled Roads

The Blood Tribe of Alberta used TerraZyme to stabilize their graveled roads. Prior to application, Nature Plus trained the Tribal Public Works road crews. Stabilization eliminated the buildup of loose surface gravel on heavily used routes. Stabilized roads showed reduced grader maintenance - from surface shaping every two weeks, to a light surface cleaning once per year. An economic study showed that stabilization produced a 5-year maintenance savings of 65% per annum. Safety was improved by eliminating rutting, washboarding and loose surface gravel on these non-paved surfaces.

Lumber and Oil Field Roads

TerraZyme was used to stabilize important tribal reserve lumber and oil field roads in northern Alberta. Common problems such as potholes, ruts, and disintegration of the cold mix surface were greatly improved. Two approaches were used: 1) the cold mix was moved into a side windrow while the clay base was stabilized to a depth of 15 cm. The cold mix was then spread back onto the newly stabilized clay surface and recompacted; 2) the cold-mix gravel was mixed into the clay base to 15 cm. and stabilized. Then, a new layer of cold mix was placed onto the stabilized blend of clay and old surface gravel.

Nature Plus, Inc. © 2024  55 Rachel Drive, Stratford, CT 06615  +1 (203) 380-0316 | Contact Us

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