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TerraZyme Logo, Road Stabilization, Road Construction
TerraZyme, Road Stabilization, Road Construction, Dirt Road
TerraZyme, Road Stabilization, Road Construction, Dirt Road

Soil stabilization provides significant advantages in a wide variety of road applications...

...unsurfaced rural, access, mining, logging, farm and village roads,...

...paved roads,...

...chip seal roads and...

soil plus RAP blends for extra strength

Uses in Road Design

Stabilization technology has advantages in a wide variety of road applications from roads that will remain unsurfaced to those that will receive surface treatments. Stabilization approaches include improving existing materials such as native soils, old graveled roads, degraded asphalt over contaminated base, etc. as well as maximizing potential road strength by blending in missing gradation or plastic components.


Unsurfaced roads


Liquid enzyme soil stabilizers make it possible to use local soils “as is” to create roads that are intended to remain unsurfaced such as are commonly seen in rural, access, mining, logging, agricultural and village applications. Soils with existing gradation and plasticity can usually be improved, as can gravel roads or base materials contaminated with fines, and degraded asphalt roads that have reverted to “gravel.”

Liquid enzyme soil stabilizers are also a powerful way to use blends of local soils and amendments. This works particularly well when:


  • Increasing gravel content to support increased traffic loads

  • Increasing plastic fines to lock up loose surface gravel

  • Supplementing gap- graded materials to increase strength and resistance to water penetration

  • Creating a high-strength base layer by mixing RAP from degraded or milled asphalt with a stabilized soil binder


Roads that will receive a surface treatment


Asphalt pavement life can be greatly extended by stabilizing base and sub-base layers, whether local soils are used “as is”, or blended with amendments to improve gradation and plasticity.


Surface treatments on stabilized base materials

Liquid enzyme soil stabilizers add performance to roads that will receive a surface treatment of MgCl2 for total dust control. Stabilized bases can be given a surface seal of penetrating asphalt as a weatherproofing for highly plastic clays or a surface binder for granular mixes. Single and double chip surfaces, or asphalt pavement are commonly placed over a stabilized base or sub base structure.


Incorporating RAP


Adding soil stabilizers to RAP (recycled asphalt pavement) mixed with up to 50% of soil materials creates maximum road strength (based on IGES test results). The approach of recycling (RAP) + stabilizer + soil has proven to be highly efficient, as it combines four stabilization steps in one. Production rates in excess of 50,000 square meters per day are achievable. This method yields a significant increase in strength and material uniformity in a stabilized bed that is immediately ready for shaping and compaction.

Nature Plus, Inc. © 2024  55 Rachel Drive, Stratford, CT 06615  +1 (203) 380-0316 | Contact Us

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